Tips on resume and

cover letter writing

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How To Write A Great Resume

Resumes are critically important documents. It doesn’t matter how good you are, if you cannot produce a good resume chances are you won’t even get to an interview, let alone win a good job.

Here are some tips on how to write a good resume:

1. Make it easy to read
Dot points are very good in this regard. Difficult to read resumes can often find themselves in the waste bin, especially if the reader has lots of other applications.

2. Keep formatting neat and consistent
Try to make every page as consistent as possible. Avoid obvious poor layouts like starting a new heading at the bottom of a page.

3. Change your resume to suit the job you’re applying for
Lots of people have many years of experience under their belts and cannot include all of it on a single resume. Leave out the irrelevant bits and include all the things you’ve done that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

4. Get your spelling right!
Many employers will not interview people who cannot be bothered to check their spelling and show poor attention to detail.

5. Do not exaggerate
You’ll just be wasting your time and others’. Remember people do do reference checks.

Our resume template below has been designed to provide you with a structure which will allow you to include all your employment details in a logical and easy to follow format. All you have to do is fill in the blanks.

Resume template

Download a Resume template

How To Write A Great Cover Letter

We are often asked if including a cover letter with an application makes a difference. The answer is a resounding yes!

Recruiters love a well written cover letter. Why? Because it tells the recruiter in one page why you’re right for the job AND that you’re willing to go the extra mile to win a job

Golden rules for writing a great cover letter:

1. Sell yourself! Work out what the recruiter or the hiring manager is looking for and ensure that your cover letter addresses the most important requirements. Do not mention anything that does not directly address the most important selection criteria.

For example, if the ad says that a “Minimum of 5 years’ experience is essential as is experience with using MYOB” then your cover letter MUST address these issues.

2. Get their attention QUICKLY. You need to grab them right away, otherwise they’ll stop reading your letter.

3. Stick to 1 page only – keep your paragraphs short and avoid long winded sentences.

4. Triple check for spelling errors, grammatical errors and poor formatting. A sloppily written cover letter does more harm than good!

Cover Letter Examples

Read 4 Examples of Great Cover Letters

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